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The study and use of plants in a medicinal sense. Sometimes even fungi and bee products are included in herbalism. Basically, you study about different plants that you can use in lieu of pharmaceutical drugs, unless you absolutely need the aid of a doctor. Do all witches practice, have skills or even want to learn about herbalism? No. Must you learn herbalism to be a "true" witch? Nope. I, however, am a witch who studies herbalism and that is why this section is here.

If you have a desire to learn more about herbalism, the best place to start is with books. My top herb book is Herbs; Medicinal, Magical, Marvelous! by Deborah J. Martin, who not only explains the medicinal sides of herbs but also the witchy side. I also utilize her book A Green Witch's Formulary a lot, which has some wonderful remedies for a ton of problems from Acne to Eczema to Nausea. My third pick would definitely be Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart, which takes a look at the darker plants of our world. I would also check out the works of the Wiccan author Ellen Dugan. Yeah, I am giving a Wiccan some props. Her books on herbs are very informative, and she has a down-to-earth writing style I appreciate. There are plenty of non-witch herbal books worth checking out, especially in your local public library.

To get you started on your path to Herbalism, here are ten popular herbs to acquaint yourself with.

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