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One of the first things you will probably be asked when you come out to someone as a witch is "would you make me a charm?". Love charms, protection charms, money charms; anything one could ever desire. But how does one go about fastening a charm? As a cunning folk, my charms are made out locally found herbs and plants that correspond with the desire behind the intent of the charm. For protection, I might take a bough from a birch. For love, purslane. Money; goldenrod unless the charm-ee has allergies to the ragweed it can produce, then perhaps wheat as a substitute. There are plenty of indigenous (native) and exotic plants and herbs you can find around you out in nature to use in your charm workings.

When it comes to putting a charm together, whether for you or someone else, always follow your gut instinct. Perhaps you have some beautiful calendulas growing in your garden, and you are making a stress management charm, but some scullcap that is growing nearby you has been calling to you for a few days now. Just because the calendula is readily obtainable doesn't mean it will work best for your charm. Just make sure when you do take from outside your own garden/property, you are not on private land or public lands where it is illegal to take flora from.

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I am not going to give you my spells. Why? Because the spells I use are not written down. They happen when they need to happen. And so should yours.